If you are fed up being forced to make numerous trips to the local post office to collect your mail, NYC Virtual Office is able to assist you by offering you their mail receiving service for businesses and individual users. The mail receiving service includes a mailbox rental on 5th Avenue New York that you are able to utilize to receive and forward mail anyplace in the world. Whenever you receive new mail you are informed of it so that you don’t make unneeded trips to collect it; however, you do also have the alternative of getting your mail forwarded to you if you are unable to collect.
Utilizing a Mail Receiving Service
After you have successfully registered for the mail receiving service from NYC Virtual Office, you will be assigned with your New York mailbox address. Whenever you receive new mail you are informed by an electronic notification system. You are able to then pick up your mail in person or have it delivered right to you on a predetermined day of the week. If you would like to discover more about a mail receiving service or sign up for the service visit www.nycvirtualoffice.com